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Last updated 27.01.05

We are happy to say that Russian synthpop/electro scene is very active today. Monthly synthpop parties, live concerts, growing amount of local websites, numerous CDs of famous synthpop/electro bands released in Russia under license. Our scene is wide open for any kind of foreign contacts, and SHOUT! Online could be a useful bridge to it. Bands and artists, record companies, organizers and others are always welcome to send us any information and promotional materials. Also they are invited to contact us with questions regarding any kind of possible cooperation, PR and concerts in Russia.

Our postal address:

Alexander Vnukov

Flat 66, House 16

Aviaconstructora Milja Str

Moscow 109431


On this address we're waiting for your replies and proposals, efficient advices and interesting materials, drawings etc. For a opportunity of correspondence the only request is to sent us a stamped addressed envelope (SAE). The edition reserves the right do not answer all letters and do not correspondence. But we promise that ALL letters will be read! For convenience of communication with you please specify your e-mail and/or phone.

Our e-mail:

Do not hesitate to let us know what you think - send us your opinions, ideas, questions and so on. We read and answer all e-mails. We also welcome reports of broken links or spelling errors.

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Rambler's Top100